Tuesday, December 25, 2012

On His Birthday Honor One He Honored

On that glorious day of our Savior's birth, someone humbly was a part of His coming to save.

Jesus was at a wedding with His mother and His disciples.  In the course of the celebration the wine rant out.  Mary knowing clearly who her Son was went to Him and told Him, “The have no wine” and Jesus said to her “Woman what do I have to do with you, My hour has not come.”  John 2:3-4
Jesus is at this moment separating Himself from His mother.  I have heard it said this is the moment He points out she is no longer a controlling factor in His life, that her significance is over.  But there is more.  Note what happens next.

“His mother said to the servants, ‘Whatever He says to you do it.’”  John 2:5  There were some water pots and Jesus said to them, “Fill the water pots with water”  John 2:7  They drew some out and found it had become wine.  This is the beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana, but there is more.  Even though He was establishing who He is at that moment, He also honored His mother.  Jesus was obeying the fifth commandment to honor His parents.  Mary is not insignificant in His life.
It is clear how significant Mary is to her Son, God’s Son.  While she is not to be worshiped there are two scriptures that show what she means to Him.

An angel came to Mary and said “Hail favored one!  The Lord is with you.”  Luke 1:28  She is the favored one of the Lord, no other has received such a blessing, to be the mother of God’s Son.  She is considered the most blessed among women.

Then just before Jesus said His last words He made sure His mother was taken care of.  “When Jesus therefore saw His mother and the disciple whom He had loved standing nearby, He said to His mother, “Woman, behold your son!’  Then He said to the disciple, ‘Behold your mother!’  And from that hour the disciple took her into his own household.”  John 19:26-27
Jesus’ last concern before giving Himself up to death was for His mother, that she be cared for and gave His final instruction on that.  Jesus, creator of the universe, honored His mother.  He did not worship her, but He did honor her.  We should honor her as well.

Have a Merry Christmas

By Brian David Knapp Author and Columnist

 Read Brian's columns at:

Author of:

In The Hands Of The Father: My Life With God
Now available in ebook format:


Nook Book


If you prefer hard cover or paperback use the following links:

Barnes & Noble


Xulon Press

If you cannot afford a copy email me at bdknapp@yahoo.com and I will get send you a copy of my writings contained in the book. God Bless.
  Read Brian's columns at:

Please read my other writings listed on the right of this page or read my columns. I periodically add writings in both places. My only goal is to share what it means to have a amazing relationship with God and how I have achieved that in the hope you to will be able to start on that path. It is a journey that I am still on, join me.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Right of Way

Where ever you drive in America there are rules of the road where someone has the right away depending on the situation.  These rules are meant to create an even flow of traffic.  Most drivers know the rules and obey.  Some out of fear of a ticket and others who know it is the right thing to do.
 Beyond these rules of order on the road we find three kinds of people.  Most follow the rule; a second type yields the right away on a close situation; the third steal the right away whenever they can.
There is a route I take to work where I see all three daily.  There are a number of intersections where one direction always has the right away, no stop required.  The crossing traffic has a stop sign and by law must wait for an opening to proceed.  In the morning traffic is quite heavy and it is stop and go.  If the vehicles with the right away continued to take it the cross traffic would never move.
What has developed over time is a process where every other car allows someone at the stop sign to go.  This alternating yielding allows for a better flow of traffic.  We see people adapting for the good of all.  No one is stuck waiting for an opening.  These are the yielders.
Some in this situation do not allow a cross trafficker to go.  That is their right and they take it.  Then there are some who go right through the stop, no matter what.  One morning I saw four cars in a row force their way through.  These people feel it is their right and everyone must stop for them.
This is the way of life.  Some simply follow the rules and move through life taking nothing extra and giving nothing extra.  These people go through life with nothing much in return.  Some even complain, I follow the rules and get nothing for it.
The right away stealers move through their life taking all they can get.  And it seems to work out for them.  Some earn a great deal of money on the backs of others.  Are they successful?  Depends on how you define success.  Many of these people complain that they don’t have enough, they are never satisfied.
Then come the third group, they give their rights away for the benefit of others.  This must be a choice, I am not talking about socialism where it id forced.  These people are typically satisfied with life, no matter the challenges or trials.  They will give credit to others for their successes.  They are willing to share all rewards for success.  These people make the best of tough situations.
As human beings we all have some of all three in us.  The key is which of these styles is dominant in your life and which of these styles honor our Savior?  I hope Christ is your Savior, if not think about His style.
As creator of all God has the total right away to do whatever He wishes.  As sinners He has the right to put us to death.  Don’t think you are a sinner?  I challenge you to make an honest review of your life.
So Jesus comes into the picture and show His style.  He came to earth to teach us and show by example how to deal with the right away.  First He showed us to show compassion by the way He showed love through healing.  He taught us how to treat others by not judging, but in forgiving.  He taught there are consequences for not following that path.  He taught us to give and to help others out of love.
Ultimately, when faced with false charges and condemned to die, He did not demand His rights.  He surely could have stopped it with one word, but did not.  He is the ultimate example of giving away the right away, that others may proceed into a right relationship with God.  A relationship we forfeited when we chose to sin.  We are cleansed when He had the right to condemn.  Christ yielding the right away to all who would receive.  It is not something we can take, we must receive.  Those who go through life neither taking or giving also miss the boat, because they do not see they actually have no right to proceed unless they accept the yield from Christ.
Through our gracious Lord and Savior we have the right to take the right away He has given through His sacrifice.  Proceed and have everlasting life, a life we have not earned, but have been given out of love.
God Bless

By Brian David Knapp Author and Columnist

 Read Brian's columns at:

Author of:

In The Hands Of The Father: My Life With God
Now available in ebook format:


Nook Book


If you prefer hard cover or paperback use the following links:

Barnes & Noble


Xulon Press

If you cannot afford a copy email me at bdknapp@yahoo.com and I will get send you a copy of my writings contained in the book. God Bless.
  Read Brian's columns at:

Please read my other writings listed on the right of this page or read my columns. I periodically add writings in both places. My only goal is to share what it means to have a amazing relationship with God and how I have achieved that in the hope you to will be able to start on that path. It is a journey that I am still on, join me.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Diwali and The True Festival of Light

India has a holiday called Diwali.  It is a festival of lights, there is meant to be an atmosphere filled with the spirit of joy and happiness.  Diwali is defined as a unique confluence of happiness, bliss and prosperity.  It is said it symbolizes the age-old culture of India which teaches them to vanquish ignorance that subdues humanity and to drive away darkness that engulfs the light of knowledge.
I pray that those celebrating this festival will see the true Festival of Light.  The true Light is Jesus Christ and the festival is His coming to shed that light on the world, die for our sin and finally rise again that we may be that festival of lights in the world.
In Christ there is pure joy in a joyless world.  You can always live in an atmosphere of joy with the Savior in your life.  We can be happy and prosper when we live in sync with our heavenly Father.  We can have His knowledge and wisdom when we build on that restored relationship Jesus delivered to us.
When we vanquish ignorance with the Lord’s knowledge and wisdom we are set free.  It is wisdom that enables us to use knowledge in a constructive way.  Knowledge without wisdom can be destructive.  The first seven verses of the book of Proverbs ties knowledge, wisdom and God together.
“To know wisdom and instruction; to discern the words of understanding; to receive instruction in wise dealing, in righteous and just and equity; to give prudence to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion:  that the wise man may hear, and increase in learning; and that the understanding may attain unto sound counsels:  to understand a proverb, and a figure, the words of the wise and their dark sayings.  The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of knowledge; but the foolish despise wisdom and instruction.”  Proverbs 1:2-7
So during this time of Diwali, see the true light.  “Again therefore Jesus spake unto them, saying, I am the light of the world; he that followeth Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life.”  John 8:12
When the Pharisees challenged Jesus, He responds in verse 14.  “Jesus answered and said unto them, Even if I bear witness of myself, my witness is true; for I know whence I came, and whither I go; but ye know not whence I came or whither I go.”  The Pharisees were very knowledgeable men, but lacked wisdom, the wisdom to see who Jesus actually is.  They were blinded by the darkness of their hearts.
Let the Savior’s light shine in your life and you will know where He came from, God the Father, and where He went, to prepare a place in eternity for us with the Father of Light.  His light will heal you and set you free from the bondage your past pains have put you in.  Be set free by the true Festival of Light.

God Bless

By Brian David Knapp Author and Columnist

 Read Brian's columns at:

Author of:

In The Hands Of The Father: My Life With God
Now available in ebook format:


Nook Book


If you prefer hard cover or paperback use the following links:

Barnes & Noble


Xulon Press

If you cannot afford a copy email me at bdknapp@yahoo.com and I will get send you a copy of my writings contained in the book. God Bless.
 Read Brian's columns at:

Please read my other writings listed on the right of this page or read my columns. I periodically add writings in both places. My only goal is to share what it means to have a amazing relationship with God and how I have achieved that in the hope you to will be able to start on that path. It is a journey that I am still on, join me.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Be Who God Made You To Be

“’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”  Jeremiah 29:11
God has plans for all of us.  He built you and I to be who He wants us to be.  We are all different and God made us that way, be who you are and let others be who they are.  We are made to complement each other and work together for God’s good.  Learn to work together and prosper in the plans the Lord has for you.

Each of us has our strengths and method of doing things, rather than try to change someone you are in a relationship with or working with, learn to utilize their ways to learn yourself or accomplish tasks together.

I am not saying it is okay to say that is the way I am so I am okay.  The Lord goes on to tell Jeremiah, “Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will hear you.  You will seek Me and find Me, when you seek Me with all your heart.”  Jeremiah 29:12-13

Seek Him and seek His will, just as Jesus did.  Jesus often went before the Father seeking His will and gathering strength.  This, the perfect One, teaching us how to have that relationship and see God’s plan for our life.  “And He withdrew from them about a stone’s throw, and knelt down and prayed, saying ‘Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me.  Nevertheless, not My will, but Yours be done.’  And there appeared to Him an angel from heaven strengthening Him.”  Luke 22:41-43

So it is not enough to simply make excuse for how you are, make sure you are in sync with the Father.  It is okay to make your requests, but be open to His greater plan for you.  Trust Him.  On the other hand understand everyone else must seek the Lord to make changes in themselves.  We cannot change them.  It is okay to give Godly advice, but always ask them to seek the Lord’s wisdom.

Use each other to accomplish goals in life, help where you are strong and utilize the gifts of others to strengthen the plan.  Jesus didn’t choose 12 disciples that were the same, He chose 12 men who had different perspectives to reach others.  He did however push them out of their comfort zone, read about Peter.  Move out of your comfort zone, but do it in the way God plans you to work.  Style is not important, results are.  Don’t criticize style, unless it is something ungodly or clearly against God.
Don’t put down, build up, just as God did Jeremiah.  Some are good at coming up with ideas, honor that.  Some are good at taking the idea and analyzing it and determining the feasibility of the idea, trust their study.  Others are good at taking the idea to completion, maybe differently than you envisioned, trust them.  Build up others in relation to their strengths and encourage, not put down, them in their weakness.

God made you who you are, be that person and resist the temptation to try to make another be like you or how you want them to be.  Part of the process of becoming who God wants us to be is to see the kingdom of God and Jesus explains how, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except one be born anew, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”  John 3:3  Jesus goes on in verse 5 to say we must also be born of the Spirit.  Receive the indwelling of the Spirit of God to truly see His plan for you.  Follow these plans and honor others who are seeking the same.  If you do not know, seek Him.

Sometimes the pain we feel is because we are going against God.  So be who God wants you to be and receive healing.  Others may not like it, but you can have peace if you are in God’s perfect will.

God Bless

By Brian David Knapp Author and Columnist

 Read Brian's columns at:

Author of:

In The Hands Of The Father: My Life With God
Now available in ebook format:


Nook Book


If you prefer hard cover or paperback use the following links:

Barnes & Noble


Xulon Press

If you cannot afford a copy email me at bdknapp@yahoo.com and I will get send you a copy of my writings contained in the book. God Bless.
 Read Brian's columns at:

Please read my other writings listed on the right of this page or read my columns. I periodically add writings in both places. My only goal is to share what it means to have a amazing relationship with God and how I have achieved that in the hope you to will be able to start on that path. It is a journey that I am still on, join me.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

My Struggle

“I tell you the truth, today you will be with Me in paradise.”  Luke 23:43
Jesus is talking here with a thief who saw who He was in the last moments of his life and is saved.  It does not go into the thief’s life.  Did he know God before he went down the path of crime?  Did he have a religious upbringing?  Was he Jewish and raised going to the Tabernacle?  We don’t know the answers to these questions of what is life was like.
What we do know is he was a man going down the wrong path and was about to receive the consequences of his choices, eternal consequences.  We know he repented and believed at that last moment before starting his eternal path.  It did not look good for him, but Jesus accepted his confession at that moment when the final path must be chosen.  A moment when Jesus himself was suffering greatly.  This gives tremendous hope.
Here is where I struggle.  I already know Christ in this way, I have a personal relationship with Him.  My struggle is that I too often veer onto a path Jesus warns us against.  So far I get a check from the Father warning me.  My fear is what if the day comes when I keep on that path and ignore the Lord’s warnings.  It is scary.
My only hope is that He holds on.  My task is stay near Him so I won’t slip away.  I must stay in His Word; I must stay in prayer; I must continue to journal as He gives me insight through His Word and answers to prayer and through others He uses in my life to give me clarity.
Thankfully He gives me hope when I stray.  If I do not receive that hope I devalue what Jesus did on the cross.  Thank You Father for the hope You give me; Thank You for the grace you have shown me.  For I am that thief waiting to hear:  “I tell you the truth, today you will be with Me in paradise.”  I live my life on that hope and look forward to that day.

Until that day I will follow the words of James, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.  Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”  James 4:8
As He draws near to me I am purified.  I cannot remain on the right path without that closeness to the Father; my Father; your Father.  Without keeping close I will go down the path of a double minded sinner.  Bring your mind into a single minded state, God’s state of mind.  Draw ever so near to Him and the struggle lessens.

God Bless

By Brian David Knapp Author and Columnist

Author of:

In The Hands Of The Father: My Life With God

Now available in ebook format:




If you prefer hard cover or paperback use the following links:

Barnes and Noble


Xulon Press

If you cannot afford a copy email me at bdknapp@yahoo.com and I will get send you a copy of my writings contained in the book. God Bless.
Read Brian's columns at:

Please read my other writings listed on the right of this page or read my columns. I periodically add writings in both places. My only goal is to share what it means to have a amazing relationship with God and how I have achieved that in the hope you to will be able to start on that path. It is a journey that I am still on, join me.