‘In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.’ John 1:1-5 niv.
I truly believe we are at a moral crossroads in America . We have before us two paths from which to choose. I pray we choose the right path, the one that leads to God. Jesus Christ lights this path, He will lead us to God the Father.
We can stumble through the darkness or we can choose the path that has the light shining on it. Christ is the Light. The choice is ours to make individually. You can make the choice. I choose the Light; I want to see my way home. I must have my eyes on Jesus or I will stumble off the path and fall into the darkness. If one stays in the darkness too long the opportunity will be lost and the way home can never be found. Now is the time to make your choice. Accept what Jesus Christ has done for you. He died in your place, for God cannot look upon sin and someone had to die for our sin. God made the choice to shed is own blood for our failures.
There, however, is another choice you can make. You can reject Christ’s sacrifice and remain in the darkness. If you reject His payment you must make the payment yourself and remain in the darkness eternally, separated from God and all His glory. You will forever endure the pain and suffering of your sin.
The battle is on we see Christians attacked simply for what they believe. There is a growing hatred for those who speak of a moral life. There is a growing push for tolerance, not tolerance of people but tolerance for behavior, tolerance for immorality. We have lived through the ‘if it feels good do it’ era, the ‘I’m ok you’re ok’ era. Anything goes. We have lived through a time of changing definitions of what a lie is and what immoral activity is. We have seen immorality condoned from the White House. Our children are getting mixed messages. These philosophies all lead to destruction.
We can join in and choose the path of immorality, which leads to destruction, or we can choose the path that leads to God. The choice has eternal implications. What is your choice? Who will you serve?