Its Father’s Day 2012. I know there are fathers out there in pain. Some have lost contact with their children due to mistakes of their own. Others have had their children taken away unfairly or divorce and many miles of separation makes it impossible to see their children. There also those children who have rebelled and run off with no contact, lost in the world and sin.
No matter the reason it makes a Father’s heart ache. Some of these fathers have wronged their children and don’t even know it. Some will see their children without a clue something is wrong. If you have wronged your children or there is a chance you have, now is the time to open dialogue and repent and ask for forgiveness. Pray the Father in heaven will open your eyes to see the truth. Finally after asking for forgiveness, forgive yourself.
If your children are estranged from you at no fault of your own, reach out and try to communicate. No matter what happens forgive unconditionally the child or ex-wife or whoever has caused the separation.
Just like our heavenly Father has forgiven us, we must do the same. There is nothing like a father’s love, give it to your children this father’s day and every day. Make sure they know you love them unconditionally. Let the Father’s love reflect through you.
If you are not having consistent dialogue with your children, start today. Find out what is going on in their life, be a part of it. Be such a part that if there is some past hurt in their life, it can be resolved. I assure you though, if you start showing your love unconditionally and sacrificially like Father God, their pain will heal on its own. Just like Christ, give it all for your family and the Lord will honor that.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16
As you start this new relationship, make sure you build your relationship with the Father at the same time and what you need to do will be clear.
Happy Father’s Day to you and the Father of us all.
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