Real Pain

When Jesus was judged guilty and condemned to die on the cross we saw no anger and no anguish. When He was beaten we see no crying out. The crown of thorns brought blood, but He still stood strong.He carried the cross; He was nailed to the cross and He endured.

As He hung on the cross He was thinking of others. He told John to take care of His mother in John 19:26-27. He told the criminal who saw the light in his last moments he would join Him in Paradise in Luke 23:40-43. He asked the Father to forgive those were crucifying Him in Luke 23:34.

So far much physical pain, yet He endured. He thought of others; He showed compassion; He finalized care for His Mary as He was about to leave her. Then it happened, the real pain came. “And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice saying, ‘ELI, ELI, LAMA SABACHTHANI?’ that is, ‘MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME?’” Matthew 27:46

This is the moment He felt all alone. Until the ninth hour He was in communication with His Father. This was the moment He felt the entire burden of our sin coming upon Him. This was the moment the only innocent one received the entire judgment of all those in the past, present and future. This was the moment He felt the rejection of His Father. While the God part of Him understood, the human side felt total rejection for something He did not do, a judgment He did not deserve.

He saw the finality of when He talked to His Father at Gethsemane. “Then He said to them ‘My soul is deeply grieved, to a point of death, remain here and keep watch with Me.’ And He went a little beyond them, and fell on His face and prayed saying, ‘My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as thou wilt.’” Matthew 26:38-39

He knew what was coming and was extremely distraught over it. It was His soul that was at the point of death; spiritual death, which is separation from the Father. That is what we face without Christ.

The spiritual pain is what many feel when they feel rejection from a loved on. Often it is a parent. A parent who has been abusive or maybe just did not show their love. Abuse comes in many ways. It is abuse if a child grows up thinking nothing they did was good enough unless it was perfect. No encouragement, no love shown. These parents were never there for their kids. They probably fed them and clothed them, but nothing was given at an emotional level except anger, if even that. Jesus knows what that feels like. He was punished for no wrong doing and in the moment when He need deliverance; the moment when He needed His Father the most, the Father turned His back on His Son so we could be delivered. He is there when we need Him because of this act.

Jesus was resurrected to be again by His Father’s side. But the scar is still there to show He does know our pain. You cannot say no one knows what I went through; no one knows my pain. Jesus does and He wants to heal your pain; He wants to take your scars and put them on Himself. He wants to set you free; He wants you to be encouraged by His love; He wants you to feel His love.

Now you know there is someone who feels your pain and truly loves you unconditionally. Accept His love and accept His healing and receive peace.