Life is Tough; Need Help?

Paul, in Hebrews chapter 13 tells us to love our brethren, show hospitality to strangers, remember prisoners, honor your marriage, be free from the love of money and not to be carried away by varied and strange teachings.  Easy to do?  Not really.

Some people just are not that lovable.  I can be nice to strangers, but some are really strange.  Marriages are falling apart today and some will say Paul just doesn’t know my spouse.  I really need money to survive and have to work hard to get more and more; it can help me help others is often an excuse I hear for playing the lottery.  As for teachers, some speak so eloquently and quote scripture they must be right, how do I test everything I hear.

Paul gives us the answer.  “for He Himself has said ‘I will never desert you, nor will I forsake you.’ So that we confidently say, ‘The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid.  What shall man do to me?’”
Hebrews 13:5b-6

With the Lord helping I can do all these things.  When looking at the unlovable through His eyes they become beautiful people.  He did after all love us enough to die for, even that person we don’t look too kindly on.  I was so proud today when my daughter told me she listened to me and made a new friend.   She had made a plan to make a new friend every day and I was encouraging her one day when I dropped her off at school.  She told me the friend was a new girl everyone was making fun of.  How brave to step out of the crowd and be a friend to the friendless.

When I think about what Christ did for me, I want everyone to have that.  So by showing kindness to strangers we are showing that love.  And by the way they are not strangers to Him, our best friend.  Paul even noted they may be angels giving us an opportunity to show God’s love.

When two people become one in marriage it is always work.  You are merging two lives together.  When you work together with each other and God it smooths out the rough spots.  He is there to help, just ask.

When you realize your Holy Father owns everything, why do you worry about money?  He will always provide.  He said I will never forsake you, so what makes you think He will not provide.  Don’t worry about money wit will be there.

There is much false teaching out there today.  These teachers use scripture and spin it to validate what they say.  Often I have found what they say just doesn’t make sense.  Go to the one who inspired all scripture for understanding and validation of all that anyone teaches.  Do not take as gospel the words of man, only the words of the Lord.  After all if you want to understand what someone means, why not go to the source.  He is right by your side, so just ask for understanding.  He may use another believer to speak to you, so listen, but be discerning.  Teachers are important when they are used by God, but we must always insure they are speaking the truth.
Finally, yes, life is tough and we need help.  So why not go to the one who created everything, including you, for the answers.  He did say He would always be there.  Take Him at His word.